my playlist

Friday, July 3, 2009

Melaka Trip

The 1st day v reached melaka.... having a happy n excided feeling o... once v reached, v when to Newton Foodcourt to take our dinner first.. coz is really very hungry althought just now v d stop at d half way to have our tea d.. hehez... after eating, v went for check in to have a good rest before going to start work at d melaka shooting.. accually v intend to rest more early on that nite... but unfortunately v didnt... v delay till 3am only get into sleep.. coz v this 3 'geh po' girl chart till non-stop lo... hahaz.. but d next morning v wake at 730am to have our breakfast at d lobby,after eat, know what v do???? v when up n sleep again till1130am.. then wake up prepare d straight go to shopping o.. hehez.. just can describe Happy Happy Happy!!!

preparing to go out

look!!!! thats our messy room.. hehez.. lolx

shopping at Dataran Pahlawan Melaka

takinh our lunch at oldtown

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